last updated June 2004
I sometimes wish that I realized how impermanent the net is and saved some of the favourite old sites. It's kind of weird...things that were there for so long, suddenly gone. Well, thanks to the Wayback Machine, it's slightly possible. I have linked offline sites to their Wayback Machine links rather than leave a 404.
Please let me know
if a link goes dead. As far as I know, this list is 404 free! I use Xenu Link Sleuth
to keep it in shape :-)
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This section grew too big; it's now called Friends And/Or Enemies of HST
A few of these sites could easily be Useless Pages, but one never knows who may find them interesting.
-Doonesbury Online - buy Uncle Duke t-shirts.
-Fear and Loathing - reality vs. the subconscious.
-Seal Rock Inn - the place HST called his second home.
-USA Today - "Gonzo Journalism via e-mail" - more Brock N. Meeks.
-Andrew's Course in Anarchy - the why and how of no-government.
-American Civil Liberties Union
-Truth and Justice - insurance horror stories, takes long to load.
-F&L in music censorship
-The Ibogaine Story
-Patti Hearst - the ultimate Patti Hearst site offline?
-Disinformation - strangely, gonzo fans go for this site.
- Post Modern Gonzo Review - no longer online, may reappear
-Fat City News - offline
-Georgetown Gonzo - offline
-Spike - an excellent bohemian/experimental literature zine.
-FFWD Online - Calgary's local bastion of arts and new journalism.
KUDOS - the English version of Kulttuurivihkot - offline?
-Rolling Stone Online - mostly music tho
-High Times Online - order back issues, interesting reading material :-)
-Gadfly - June Issue features HST
-Weakly Whirl Knewz - a pleasure to read, wickedly funny.
-SCAM: Sonora County Arts and Media
-ZUG - online pranking and frivolity
-Pig Dog Journal - yowzah!
-The Dead Mule - recent writing from Fall '98
-Politcal Junkie - lives up to its name!
-Warrior Wordsmiths - my other site on NJ.
-History of New Journalism - an excellent essay by Lucy
-The Voice of Common Hills - journalism and life in a small part of Japan.
-Journalism Quotes - an excellent source page for who said what.
-Journalistic Construction of the American West - a course you can take.
-Gonzo Parrot's Page - silly malicious fun.
-A role-playing character - HST as a vampire gonzo journalist?
-The Shannonizer - this neat little thing warps any text you want.
-White King - 'member the giant polar bear F&L in Elko?
-Bianca's Dreambook - large potential for mischief.
-Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood Watch - terrific webparody, must be seen!
-HST for President, 2000 - offline
The Lizard Lounge - this is so dumb, I don't know why HotBot picked it up. Thank god it's offline!
-Urine Luck - quite serious actually, how to beat drug tests.
-Behaviorists for Social Responsibility
-SFE Bondage Stories - no, not that kind of bondage.
-Fear & Loathing t-shirts from Killit (not HST, but interesting site all around)
-Fear and Loathing Marathon - yeah, it's true in a Curse sort of way.
-Real Doll - uh, you think HST orders his sex dolls from here?
-Real Hamster - while you're at it, check out the world's first buggering hamster!
Fear and Loathing are possibly the three most used words on the net.
Stick it in a search engine and you will come up with Fear and Loathing in State-X, Ski Resort-Y,
City-Z, with Doctor A/Dentist B /Proctologist C. These are representative of some
original and not too schlocky imitations of FLLV.
-Part 1 of Fear and Loathing on the Internet
-Fear and Loathing on the Internet - watch out for nerds on a Jolt Cola binge!
-The Healing Power of Obnoxiousness - is unfortunately offline.
-The Pan in Flash - a weird story only the British could write.
-Gonzo's World Wide Weird Sites - yeah, it's the Muppet.
-Vincent Black Shadow - factory site
-Gathering Speed - order a bronze of you-know-who.
-Hell's Angels Present The Big Red Machine - keep uptodate on Angel
-Blood Brothers - not quite sure what to say.
-The Story of Owl - a Haitian tale.
-Mining Co.'s Horse Racing Guide - mind boggling, totally complete.
-Churchill Downs - *g*, very well done.
-Kentucky Derby Museum - very well done, lots to read.
-The New Polo Net
-Gonzo I - a gorgeous Hanoverian stallion
-The Wild Peacock Page - lots of pix.
-History of the NBC Peacock - betcha didn't know this!
-Jennifer's Owl Page - lots of pix, info.
-Owl Cam - dated, but nice stories about a pair of owls
-Owl's Nest Catalog - everything for the collector.
-alt.books.beat.generation - whoa, and you thought ajg was bad for "prono"!
This is just a way of saying "thanks" to all these interesting sites that find TGTH link-worthy :-)
-Strange and Amazing Links
-Mango Ombre's Page
-Ken Cavagnolo Reading List - some cool picks
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